I Long For You

My dear child,

For many months I have dreamed of you. This morning, when I woke up, I was thinking of you. I couldn't go back to sleep because I was thinking of you. I laid in bed smiling over the many thoughts that came to mind.

I dream of holding you, smelling you, kissing you, calling you mine. I dream of being a family, laughing together, eating together, hearing your voice in the house. I dream of watching Daddy play with you, tickle you, cuddle you. I asked him the other day, "What are you most looking forward to as a Daddy?" He said, "Cuddling." He can't wait to cuddle you and look into your eyes and tell you that you are his.

We are preparing a home for you. Soon, we will start on your nursery. I love getting everything ready for you. There is nothing else I think of more than you, and getting everything ready for you.

The Lord is knitting our hearts together, and my heart is with yours. I will see you soon, and we will be a family.

All my love,

1 comment:

  1. Heather, this is the sweetest letter. I feel almost intruisive reading it... crying, longing for your desires to be fulfilled. I love you and will be praying over your pregnancy!
