
We went on a family picnic tonight! I didn't tell Andrew about the idea, and when he got home from work I had everything ready to go...picnic basket with plates, utensils, napkins, blanket, etc., and another cold-keeping bag with our meal - chicken caesar lettuce wraps (homemade caesar dressing!), homemade pasta salad, watermelon, Ginger Ale, Lemonade and a moon pie from China. :) Andrew got home, changed his clothes, and off we went to Pioneer Park - Walla Walla's beautiful, big park!!

Abi is ready to eat!

Moon Pie from China. She loves this treat...her cheeks are full of moon pie in this photo. :)


Love this photo so much. Love my precious family.

Focused on the ducks and geese! She loved them.

Tine for some bird watching.

Pheasant from Nepal.

Pheasant from Nepal.

Pheasant from China.

She started running...

...then stopped just to be super silly! It was hilarious! (More photos below...)

Then back to running!! I love the look of delight on this face.

I love Abi's face in this picture!! Hilarious.

I have no doubt that this girl, in her life, will "take the bull by the horns"!!


The Delight of Abi

It still blows me away that this little life is in our life. Abigail Mei delights every part of me. If there is anything I have learned about parenting so far, it is this: nothing is more important (including obedience) than having relationship with this little one; having a heart-to-heart connection. I want Abi to know that there is nothing more I would rather do (not any project, not any cleaning, not any more sleep or to read a book, not to sleep in, nothing) than to be with her while simultaneously with Jesus, playing with her, honoring her, laughing with her, comforting her, feeding her, providing for her, listening to her, rolling on the floor with her, dancing with her, worshiping with her, praying with her, singing with her and to her, swimming with her, seeing her and her Baba play or cuddle; loving her and living life with her. In short: enjoying her. And there is nothing more I want from her than for her to simply enjoy me and our relationship. I don't want her to be obedient more than I want her to enjoy relationship. I don't want her to be compliant, or to go to sleep faster, or to stop taking the tissue off the tissue roll, more than I want her to just enjoy relationship with me and her Baba.

Abigail Mei, I love you with every part of me and all I want is a heart relationship with you; for you to know you are loved at all times by us, and most of all by Jesus.

You are our delight! You are His delight!

Playdate with Jamie and the Brown boys

We had fun on our first playdate at Jamie's house, my dear friend, with her three boys who are our godsons, Hunter, Logan and Grady.

Grady and Abi

Abi loves the piano

Love me some Grady!


Abi wanted Jamie to hold her! So cute.

Lunchtime. I love how Abi's hand is on Hunter's leg. Too cute. And Logan cracks me up in this picture.

The boys were making Abi laugh.

Hunter was so sweet - he played with Abi nearly the whole time!

We were going to swim, so I had put a swim diaper on Abi. But then we didn't swim, and she went potty right through the thin diaper and her little skort. :) So that's why she just has a diaper on at this point. Also...notice how cute Logan is in the background inside his little tent laying on the couch.

Too sweet for words.

Yellowstone - drag racing, KOA style

One of my nephew's (Dan) and niece's (Courtney) planned a drag racing event with the boys and men in our family at the KOA campground...

It was Abi's bedtime...

...but she had to come cheer for Baba.

Baba didn't make it to the second round, but he was close!

After 10 or so of our guys raced, suddenly a motorcycle group came rolling in. It was funny! We cheered for them too. :)

Is Dan cheating or just playing smart?

My brother Thomas hitchin' a ride back to the starting line. Haha!